In Hospital
What to do

Health care practitioners hold information about patients that is private and sensitive. The National Health Act (Act No. 61 of 2003) provides that this information must not be given to others, unless the patient consents or the health care practitioner can justify the disclosure.
Please nominate one person per family as the contact / spokesperson with whom Dr van Dyk can liaise regarding the patient’s condition where required.
In the case of minors, the doctor will discuss the patient’s diagnosis and condition with the Parent / guardians.
Should an adult not be awake or able to understand, the doctor will discuss the patient’s diagnosis and condition with the family representative.
However, should an adult patient be fully awake and comprehensive, the doctor will discuss the diagnosis and medical plan directly with the patient. Due to doctor-patient privileges, the doctor will not be able to discuss the patient’s diagnosis and condition with any other party.